Español | English

Test of the Sea Horizon

This test was conceived and created by Ricardo Carreras Batlle, when he was a disciple of one of the old courses given by Professor Vels in 1973.

This test, like Wartegg's, the tree test, or Machover's, the family test, or any other test inspired in drawing, is essentially a projective test.

The base of interpretation of the sea test is essentially psychoanalytic, since it unconsciously expresses the personal style, the way of thinking and behaving, mental blocks, conflicts, suppression and anguish situations that each person might have.

For the symbolism of graphic space, this test is really important to the graphologist because it serves as a reinforcement of the graphological studies, since the interpretations, in this sense, are the same in the drawing as much as in the handwritten text.

Let's do the Test:

1- Take a blank sheet and make a drawing of the Sea Horizon, with no artistic worries, it's only an imagination test and neither the artistic or drawer qualities count.

2- Once you've done the drawing, describe what you've drawn, indicating fundamentally the month of the year in which it's situated, if it's day or night, if the sea is calm or rough and what the people or things you've drawn are doing, as anything else you think is convinient to describe.

3- Once it's done, read the interpretations detailed below. Don't read them before doing the drawing, it wouldn't make sense then.


THE HORIZON: Emotionally it represents the situation in wich the subject is in relation to the hyperbole of life.
To some people the horizon is the ideal or magical thought; to others, the land, the material, or maybe, the image of the protective mother.

HORIZON IN AN ARC SHAPE: It's a necessity to feign and show a certain superiority.

HORIZON WAY DESCENDING: Serious depression. Will weakness.

HIGH HORIZON WITHOUT THE SUN: High aspirations. Idealism. Absence or death of the father.

THE SEA: In psychoanalysis it symbolizes the maternal womb, the image of the mother, but it also sybolizes loneliness and depression. It could be the image of the affective state, or life its own: calm, rough, stormy, according to family problems, or conflicts at the professional enivironment.

SEA IN A RISING SLOPE: Aspirations to elevated goals. Dissatisfaction.

LONELY SEA: Idealization of anguish and loneliness.

THE SUN: It's the image of the father, or the wish of active potential, the creating force, of power ambition.
Sometimes it represents the very subject, indicating the emphasis of Me, or surrounded by clouds wich symbolizes problems. The absence of the sun, in most cases, it's related to conjugal separation, absence or death.

SUN BETWEEN CLOUDS: Conflicts with the father, anguish, fears.

SUN, MOON AND CLOUDS: Intrapsychic battles, "soul" or "animus".
SUN TOO BIG: Excess of imagination and amplitude of needs of Me. Need for protection and admiration.

SUN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DRAWING A LITTLE BIG: This projects a cleaning of feelings.

SUN BELOW THE HORIZON: Impact or reflection of problems. Feeling submerged.
Normally this form is accompanied by waves shaped like knives, which is a mechanism of self-defence.

THE REFLECTION OF THE SUN OR THE MOON: Following a direction towards the right, it's an offering attitude, of devotion; towards the left, it's a rejection attitude; and downwards or perpendicular, it's a balance.

THE TIME OF THE DAY: Situated in the morning it expresses hope, youth, plenitude, joy, activity or action.

Sunrise is the exponent of wish, ambition of being, the possibilities of illusion to reach a goal.

Sunset is the end of a stage, the accomplishment of ambition, the end of an illusion to reach the desired goal, of loving and of profession.

Night might represent an outdated romance, or the states of anguish and anxiety, loneliness, nostalgia, the complex of abandon or the subject's affective conflicts.

ANGULAR WAVING: Attitude little adapted to a social plan. The Me, too sensitive, reacts aggressively against the surroundings.

WAVING WITH SYMMETRIC UNDULATING LINES: A passive attitude towards the others. In work, the subject doesn't wish to be interrupted in the middle of a task.

FRIZZY WAVES: Fluctuating social adaptation.

PERPENDICULAR WAVES: Very personal view of things. Under an appearance of seriousness, an personal insecurity is hidden.

BIG ANGULAR WAVES: Violent aggressiveness. Emotional storms.

CLOUDS: Self-realization problems. Conflicts with reality. Vital anguish.

VARIED CLOUDS: Problems in the family environment.

DRAWING CENTERED HIGH: Tendency to go after elevated goals. Escape from reality.

DRAWING LEANING TO THE BOTTOM LEFT: Maternal dependency, specially in children.
USE OF THE WHOLE SPACE (Sea, sky and land): Messy and complicated imagination.

SPIRAL LINES: Egocentrism, narcissism, desires of admiration.


DESERTED LANDSCAPE: Loneliness, anguish, isolation.

TREES: Creativity, acitivity.

RANDOM BIRDS: Escape from reality. Freedom to dream.

Extra information:

- The conception and creation of the sea horizon test was thought thanks to the symbolism of the straight line, by Max Pulver, wich says: If asked to draw a straight line in a blank space, the subject, unconsciously, expresses the level in wich he thinks he is situated in the hyperbole of life. (The point of the drawing is that the subject draws a straight line without the need of expressing it to him directly, and this circumstance is captured in the sea horizon.)

- To the graphologist this test is of great interest, since the description of the drawing, to the subject, makes him pay more attention to the drawing than the way of expressing it in the writing, in that way graphology remains free of latent tendencies and barely under control, the image of deep tendencies, which is what the graphologyst is interested in.

- As a curious tip, it must be pointed out that left-handed people, in a sunrise, put the sun on the right instead of the left, just like right-handed people do.

Translations English/Spanish - Spanish/English:

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